Thursday, July 9, 2009

Brooklyn Cyclones Promotions

Last week me and a bunch of my friends went to the see our local minor league baseball team, the Brooklyn Cyclones (New York Met affiliate!). Nice, cheap, cozy alternative form of baseball to combat the expensiveness of the majors.

One nice thing that the Cyclones decided to do that day was if you bought a Field Box ticket ($15 - the most expensive tickets available) you would get a voucher for one hot dog, one soda and a bag of chips. Thanks Cyclones, really nice of you. So I went and looked at the ticket I had bought - Field Box! Oh yeah!, free hot dog time (or actually 2 free hot dogs since my wife doesn't like hot dogs). I'm sure what will happen is when we go to the game, we'll just show them our tickets, and then they will give us each the voucher we deserve.

Dead wrong.

I called up the Cyclones box office just to make sure this is how things would work. What they told me made me want to punch someone in the face through the phone. Apparently, since we had bought our tickets before the season even started, we weren't eligible for these vouchers. So, basically we were getting penalized for being fans of the Cyclones and being excited about seeing them by planning a night in advance to go to a game. How is this possible? Why would I then buy tickets in advance when I know there's a chance I'm passing up some type of free gift. Big mistake Cyclones, I won't soon forget this.

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