Saturday, April 18, 2009

Whoever Is Behind Me In The Checkout Aisle At The Supermarket

My wife and I have to go to the supermarket weekly to replenish our needs in the apartment and our lunch supplies so we don't need to buy lunch at work each day. Unfortunately this also replenishes our weekly supply of asshole viewing.
The worst part is usually when we are at the checkout line buying our foodstuffs. Once we put everything on the rotating thingy, then it is time to get into packing mode. My wife packs things (I suck at it) and I simply put it in the cart. At this point the person behind us in line will almost always crowd us and stand directly behind us, totally blocking the credit/debit card swipey thing. Why do these douchebags think we haven't yet paid for our food?? Obviously we can't pay until they are done scanning our items. So then, I have to ask them to move back so that I can swipe my card. To make things easier, these mother fuckers who are in my way of paying for my shit should just have to buy all my groceries.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah last week? That was totally me buster.
