Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jeremy Piven

Dear Jeremy Piven,

I don't watch Entourage but I don't think I need to in order to know that you are not funny, and you will never be funny. I already know that you can't act, you are in love with yourself and you are a total all around douchebag. I hate your stupid face. You have no talent, and we all know you have a terrible toupee so take it off already. You rode John Cusack's coattails for more than a decade and then had the nerve to say he was a bad friend and jealous of you. Your new movie The Goods looks worse than watching Paul Blart: Mall Cop while undergoing an enema. It will be awesome after Entourage goes off the air and everyone forgets you even exist.

Berman Bothers

Monday, August 3, 2009

Kings of Leon

Kings of Leon are the rock band of the moment. I have no idea why. Seriously, people who vaguely know anything about rock music, and people that love rock music and all of its subgenres all seem to be on board with the phenomenon that is the Kings of Leon. I still don't get it. I've listened to their records - even more than once. I had to revisit them because I wanted to know what it was that I missed. What is the universal appeal? Why are they able to headline these huge venues now? To me they kinda sound like a shitty Black Crowes (who I also never liked). The only thing that I can think of is that people really love incredibly bland rock music made by white dudes that are related.