Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bar Mitzvahs That Last Until 1AM

Last month I had to attend a bar mitzvah for a cousin of mine. Usually a day of being surrounded by tween aged kids and bad music are won over by a ton of food and open bar, and it ends up being an ok event of saying hi to distant relatives I haven't seen in some time. No problem, right? Wrong. Little did I notice, until the day before the event, that this one was a night bar mitzvah. I swear the last like 3 I went to were during the day. This one started at 6pm! Most weddings don't even start that late. The invitation even read something like "Hey parents, be prepared to pick up your kid at 1am." 1AM! So basically people shouldd drop off their twelve year old kid, let them listen to dance music and run around while they consume nothing but sugar and then bring them home all coked up at 1am. Thanks for nothing jews.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brett Favre

I should have used my ska bands post for this one - Enough already. But really, come on man. You are 39 years old. You really sucked last year... and yet, you have it out for the Packers so you want to play for the Vikings and beat them. Yeah that will really show them. Brett, you had your best years there, you were at one time a great QB for a popular NFL team. Now you could have trouble beating out Sage Rosenfels. Sage Rosenfels!
I think at this point I am speaking for 90% of the population when I say - Brett Favre please give it up, no I mean really. Stop fucking around. You are no longer even allowed to play Madden.